Many students can’t live without their smartphone – the classroom or the playground are no exceptions. Latvia therefore wants to take action and has imposed a ban on cell phones for students up to sixth grade.
In Latvia, many people will no longer be allowed to use their cell phones in schools in the future. The parliament in Riga decided this by amending the Education Act. The cell phone ban is aimed at students up to sixth grade. You may only use your cell phone if it is necessary for class.
“These changes are necessary as a clear signal to the founders of educational institutions to limit the aimless use of mobile phones,” said Agita Zarina-Sture, chairwoman of the parliamentary committee on education, culture and science.
Studies have shown that the mere presence of one’s own cell phone – even when switched off – has a negative cognitive influence on people and increases the risk of digital emotional violence.
Searches permitted
It initially remained unclear whether cell phones would even be allowed to be taken to school in the future. According to a broadcast report, they will probably still be allowed, but will have to be switched off.
The new resolutions also allow schools to search students’ belongings if there is a suspicion of a threat to someone’s safety, health or life.
The ban is scheduled to come into force on May 31, 2025. By then, schools must have adapted their internal regulations on cell phone use in accordance with Parliament’s requirements. In Latvia the school year is similar to that in Germany: it runs from September 1st to the beginning of June.
Latvia is not alone
Latvia is not the first EU member to ban cell phones in schools. France and the Netherlands already ban cell phones in schools to prevent distractions and improve student performance.
Such a step has been discussed in Germany for a long time. Following a study, the industrialized nations organization OECD recently recommended the responsible use of mobile phones in school lessons.