Laschet presents “immediate program”: no vision, no idea, no narrative


Status: 13.09.2021 6:12 p.m.

The Union’s “immediate program” is not the least bit convincing. The paper is just the short version of the CDU election program – and anything but the hoped-for “game changer”.

A comment by Sabine Henkel, ARD capital studio

There is no other way to put it: the Union’s “immediate program” is an oath of disclosure. Well-known ideas written on new paper. Not more. No vision, no idea, no narrative. The last major people’s party in Europe is entering the final days of the election campaign without a plan and without a concept. The only thing that helps the Christian democratic parties is praying. In any case, this paper will not knock anyone off their chair or lure them into the voting booth.

The fascination that emanates from “acceleration processes” and “unleashing packages” is ultimately limited. In any case, Armin Laschet’s favorite topics have not yet become election campaign hits, and neither will they, as the Union writes them again in an “immediate program” and now calls the “acceleration package” the “fast-track approval process”.

The Union pulls blank when it comes to climate protection

In general, this paper is nothing more than the abridged version of the election manifesto. Only old ideas from their own people are new – such as free master craftsman training or a cover for maintenance costs.

When it comes to climate protection, which after all, most citizens cite as the most important topic in surveys, the CDU and CSU are almost blank. Those who reduce CO2 and invest in appropriate technologies should be subsidized – those who build solar cells on their roof get an interest-free loan. The Union cannot think of anything else for the first 100 days of government.

The CDU and CSU will not convince the voters and certainly not win the Greens for a coalition. And without the Greens, the Union will not govern – that can work out who can count to three. CDU, FDP and Greens – that is the only recognizable option. The SPD has already canceled and it will not be enough for a coalition with the FDP alone.

Not a convincing narrative

Apparently that has not yet arrived at the Konrad-Adenauer-Haus. People there still believe that Laschet will rock the election campaign. Why else have they not given him a convincing story long ago, an “instant program” that provides ideas – a “game changer”?

The Union persists in trusting God – and in Angela Merkel. After 16 years as chancellor, she is supposed to campaign for the modernization of the country through her party. Can’t make it up

Laschet also refers to the local elections in Lower Saxony. If the CDU wins in the Ammerland district, it will probably also be possible in the Federal Republic of Germany. Too bad that the chancellor candidate from Aachen cannot convince the republic at all. But he still has 13 days to ask Ammerland how to win elections.

Editorial note

Comments generally reflect the opinion of the respective author and not that of the editors.

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