Large-scale operation in Dortmund: 300 onlookers surround the police

Escalation in the northern part of the city: The Dortmund police want to settle a dispute between two men – and are surrounded by 300 people.

Major deployment of the Dortmund police in the Nordstadt: There is an operation on Sunday evening North Market escalated. The police wanted to break up a fight between at least 20 people, the authorities explain. But the officers were quickly surrounded by 200 to 250 people. Police later corrected this number 300 people. There was also initially talk of a small fight between just two people.

Around 8:25 p.m., a patrol car crew discovered the mass brawl on the corner Nordmarkt/Mallinckrodtstrasse observed and immediately called for backup. They only have pepper spray two opposing groups It is said that they had to be kept apart. Among other things, a man (38) hit an opponent (20) in the head with a bottle. The victim was slightly injured, remained aggressive and was taken into custody.

Operation in the Nordstadt: Aggressive mood at the Nordmarkt

Another problem for the emergency services: a large crowd of people quickly formed around the operation. At the top there are 300 onlookers The police explain that there were people who wanted to prevent the emergency services from doing their work. The mood is aggressive and threatening been. “From Fisticuffs “But we don’t know anything,” said a spokesman. However, the officers were out of the crowd insulted and insulted been.

Police officers also came from stations other than the North Station. As usual, the only statement regarding the number of emergency services is: “The police were on site with sufficient forces.” Our blue light reporter reports from around a dozen patrol cars and other emergency vehicles. The area was cordoned off.

Dortmund Police: Reports of bodily harm and insults

In the end, the operation in Dortmund’s Nordstadt went smoothly. It is said that most of the onlookers complied with the police’s expulsion. The two arguing men who may have started the mass brawl got Complaints of assault. In addition, one of the onlookers (15) was arrested because of Insult displayed.

Why it to Fight came and whether two opposing camps or Familys or the onlookers just came together by chance – the police can’t say anything about that yet, explains the spokesman.

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