Large demo: Verdi increases pressure in the daycare tariff dispute

big demo
Verdi is increasing the pressure in the day-care center tariff dispute

Verdi has called on the educators in municipal care facilities to go on warning strikes up to and including Friday. Photo: Marius Becker/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

In the collective bargaining dispute between the municipal social and educational services, Verdi is increasing the pressure on employers. Around 10,000 employees demonstrate at a nationwide rally in Gelsenkirchen.

With numerous warning strikes and a large rally, employees in the municipal social and educational services have increased the pressure on employers.

At a large-scale demonstration in Gelsenkirchen on Wednesday, the national chairman of the Verdi union, Frank Werneke, asked around 10,000 participants, according to Verdi, to submit an offer in the next round of negotiations.

The current collective bargaining dispute with the Association of Municipal Employers’ Associations (VKA) is about better working conditions, measures to counter the shortage of skilled workers and better pay in municipal social and educational services.

Third round of negotiations on May 16th and 17th

With a view to the forthcoming third round of negotiations on May 16 and 17 in Potsdam, Verdi had mobilized its members for numerous strike measures. According to union information, there had been no movement in the first two rounds of negotiations for the around 330,000 employees nationwide – social workers, educators and employees in daycare centers, school all-day facilities and the disabled.

“It is irresponsible on the part of the employer to let two negotiation dates pass unused. We expect serious offers at the third negotiation date. The time is ripe to improve the situation in social work by relieving employees, children, young people and families,” demanded Andrea Becker, Verdi State Department Manager NRW.

Warning strikes up to and including Friday

Up to and including Friday, Verdi had again called for further warning strikes in many NRW cities, including in the daycare centers. Numerous day-care centers for children were affected by the strike measures. Sometimes there was only emergency care.

This Thursday, Verdi wants to draw attention to the problems with live broadcasts throughout Germany in a digital strike conference that will be streamed on social media such as Facebook and YouTube.


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