Landlord Döpfner: Why did “Bild” report so extensively on Adidas? – Media


Moritz Baumsteiger

In a professional context, Mathias Döpfner does not show any great preferences for sportswear, the acting Springer and since this week former head of the Federal Association of German Newspaper Publishers usually appears in tight-fitting suits and equally narrow leather shoes, at most combined with a jacket and T-shirt, if it’s once again hilariously written on an invitation: “Dresscode Berlin”. Even in private, the 59-year-old does not seem to be a big fan of at least the Adidas brand, like now a report of the British Financial Times (FT) revealed. Döpfner is said to have been “angry” when he learned in the lockdown month of March 2020 that the sporting goods manufacturer was planning to stop paying rent for the now closed shops for the time being – and so he said at the time picture-Boss Julian Reichelt suggested in the conversation to “orchestrate a public outcry”.

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