Kylian Mbappé warns of extremists in French election

Star striker for the French election
Mbappé “does not want to represent a country that does not correspond to my values”

French superstar Kylian Mbappé warns against extremism ahead of parliamentary elections

© Le Parisien / MAXPPP / Arnaud Journois / Imago Images

The upcoming election in France is more of a concern for the Équipe Tricolore than the first European Championship match against Austria. Superstar Kylian Mbappé underlined this on Sunday. Coach Deschamps is reacting with reservation.

The captain of the French national football team, Kylian Mbappé has warned against extremism in view of the parliamentary elections. He is against such views and ideas that divide people, Mbappé said on Sunday in Düsseldorf.

Mbappé on the election in France: “Extremes at the door of power”

“You have to separate what is important from what is not. The game is extremely important. But there are also things that are much more important than tomorrow’s game,” said Mbappé on Sunday in Düsseldorf. “This is an important moment in the history of our country. Perhaps it is more important than ever.” “I want to be proud to represent France, I don’t want to represent a country that does not correspond to my or our values,” the superstar continued.

From June 30 to July 7, the French are called upon to vote on the composition of parliament after President Emmanuel Macron called for new elections following the European elections. Speaking to journalists on the eve of the European Championship match against Austria (9 p.m./ARD and MagentaTV), he called for people to vote: “We are a generation that can make a difference. We see that the extremists are knocking on the door of power, and we have the opportunity to shape the future of our country.”

France coach Didier Deschamps much more reserved

In the European elections, Macron’s party received just under 15 percent of the vote, while the right-wing nationalist Rassemblement National party received more than 31 percent. Before Mbappé, Inter Milan’s Marcus Thuram had already described the situation in France as “serious” and taken a clear stance against Rassemblement National.

“I share his position and fully support it,” said Mbappé in response to the comments made by former Gladbach player Thuram and announced a message from the team to the French around Monday’s game. “There will be something,” said Mbappe.

France’s national coach Didier Deschamps was much more cautious and indicated that the European Championship tournament was his priority. “We can talk about it after the Euro,” said Deschamps when asked about Mbappé’s words. The French Football Association had previously warned against over-politicizing its own team.


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