Kylian Mbappé at the end of his contract? “It’s not a subject for me,” replies Luis Enrique

It’s already the recovery for PSG. Wednesday evening, the Parisians face Toulouse for the 2023 Champions Trophy on very neutral ground (at the Parc des Princes). The first match of the year 2024, and incidentally Kylian Mbappé’s first as a free player, since the striker is now less than six months from the end of his contract and can therefore choose his future club now. A situation to which Luis Enrique will have to adapt, he who will certainly be questioned regularly about the future of his star.

There was no shortage of that on Tuesday, during the match eve press conference. And the Spanish coach gave a taste of what his answers will be on this subject: short and evasive. “How am I going to handle it?” Like always. This is not a subject for me, I am not the right person to answer this question,” he dismissed.

Radio silence

Except that Luis Enrique is about the only person we can ask it to. In its December 30 edition, The Team assured that the two parties – Mbappé and PSG – agreed on radio silence until the end of the season, so that the subject does not pollute all club news.

The last statement from President Nasser Al-Khelaïfi about his number 7 dates from September, a few weeks after his reintegration into the workforce. “All the problems we have had remain in the family and Kylian is part of the family,” confided the club boss. I’m proud of what he does and what the whole team does. We have the best player in the world and for me he deserves the Ballon d’Or. »

According to The Team, “the dialogue is now fluid” between the president and Mbappé, the leader wanting to be optimistic about an extension. Even if since Monday, he is officially no longer the master of the game.

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