kyiv and Moscow accuse each other of not respecting the Russian ceasefire, in full celebration of Orthodox Christmas

Putin attends an Orthodox Christmas service alone in a Kremlin church

Vladimir Putin attended a celebrated religious service alone led by priests in golden albs, according to footage released by the Kremlin. The celebration took place in the Cathedral of the Annunciation, originally designed as a church for the tsars. In previous years, Vladimir Putin used to attend religious services for Orthodox Christmas in Russian provinces or on the outskirts of Moscow.

In a message broadcast Saturday by the Kremlinthe Russian President sent his congratulations to Orthodox Christians, and said that this day inspires “good deeds and aspirations”. He also said he prayed for the Orthodox Church, whose influential leader, Patriarch Kirill, fully supported the offensive of the Russian armed forces in Ukraine decided by Mr. Putin.

Church organizations “support our soldiers who are participating in a special military operation”said the Russian president, using the official term of the Kremlin to refer to the war waged in Ukraine. “Such a wonderful, multi-faceted, and truly ascetic work deserves the most sincere respect”he added.

Patriarch Kirill called on believers to support the ” brothers “ prorussians during the Russian offensive in Ukraine. Since the beginning of the invasion launched on February 24, he has given sermons in which he gave his blessing to the Russian troops while castigating the Ukrainian authorities. In a sermon last year, he said that dying in Ukraine “wash away all sins”.

The patriarch had called on Thursday Moscow and kyiv to establish a ceasefire on the occasion of the Orthodox Christmas holiday. In the process, Vladimir Putin announced Thursday a unilateral ceasefire for thirty-six hours.

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