Kraftklub apologize for one of their earlier songs

“Your song”
Kraftklub apologize for one of their earlier songs on new album

Kraftklub singer Felix Brummer

© / Imago Images

The band Kraftklub delivered a bitter reckoning with the ex-girlfriend five years ago with “Your Song”. On their new album they apologize – but the change of heart came earlier.

In 2017, Kraftklub released their album “Keine Nacht für Nobody” and released the song “Dein Lied” as the first single from it. It’s about the far from conciliatory farewell to an ex-girlfriend, a reckoning. Frontman Felix Brummer describes the former partner in it as a “damn whore” in the chorus.

But the band from Chemnitz doesn’t want to have anything to do with the song anymore. On her new album “Kargo”, which was released in September, she once again refers to “Your Song”. In the song “You don’t care about the time” they take up old youthful sins. For them, this also includes the five-year-old song: Kraftklub distance themselves from the statement of the song and apologize.

Kraftklub distance themselves from “Mein Lied”

“An ‘I didn’t mean it that way’ doesn’t make up for everything / Not the argument, the destruction, the anger / Not the pain, the hate Not the stress and suffering / Lyrics like ‘Your song’ and all the other bad ones Zeil’n / So many things that you unfortunately only understand too late,” says one verse – and in the chorus: “I’m sorry / I was wrong, you were right / I’m sorry / That just wasn’t correctly.”

The realization that the lyrics of “Dein Lied” could possibly be questionable didn’t just come to Kraftklub now. The band had already quietly removed the song from all streaming platforms in 2021, and the official music video for it was no longer available on YouTube. However, fans have put the video back online.

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Immediately after the song was released, Kraftklub singer Felix Brummer said in an interview that the song took the perspective of a “desperate, broken guy”: “He tries to make himself believe that he can deal with the separation as an adult, too when it all comes crashing down on him. And that’s the worst way he can smack his ex.” There is “a demarcation between the author and the protagonist,” Brummer told the “Frankfurter Neue Presse” at the time – now the band apparently takes a slightly different view.

Sources: “Time doesn’t care about you” on Youtube / “Frankfurt New Press”

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