Knife attack in the English Garden: Munich homicide squad investigates – Munich

The anticipation of an upcoming wedding gave way to sheer horror: A group of Austrian men celebrating a bachelor party in the English Garden were attacked by unknown assailants on Saturday evening. Two of the partygoers suffered stab wounds. According to the police, the wound in the case of a 32-year-old was “potentially life-threatening”, which is why the Munich homicide squad is now investigating an attempted murder.

The attack occurred at around 9:25 p.m. when around ten young Austrians were leaving the Chinese Tower. There is a large beer garden there. According to the police, “for reasons unknown” an initial verbal skirmish developed into a scuffle with another large group that was also there. After the altercation, the second group fled.

The shock was all the greater when a 32-year-old and a 39-year-old Austrian noticed stab wounds on their upper bodies that they had not previously felt in the heat of the moment. The emergency services were then called. The 32-year-old was immediately taken to hospital. His injuries were so deep that his life could not be ruled out. According to the police, the Austrian was still in the hospital on Tuesday afternoon, but his life was not in danger.

The 39-year-old, who suffered a rather superficial stab wound, was treated as an outpatient in the English Garden. In his case, investigations are underway against possible suspects for grievous bodily harm.

During the immediate manhunt, the police officers came across a 17-year-old man from Munich who had a cut on his hand. The youth resisted the police officers. Due to his psychologically abnormal behavior, he was placed in a psychiatric facility. In the past, the youth is said to have already attracted the attention of the police for violent crimes.

Whether the 17-year-old is a possible accomplice to the crime and more detailed information on the background and sequence of events are the subject of further investigations by the Criminal Investigation Department 11. The officers hope that witnesses will come forward who made observations in the area of ​​the English Garden, particularly the Chinese Tower, on Saturday evening that could be connected to the bloody crime. Possible witnesses should contact the Criminal Investigation Department 11 on 089/29100. According to the police, there is currently no information about the group of attackers. It was already quite dark at the time of the crime, they said.

Just on June 7, two men were beaten and injured in an argument in the English Garden. On the lawn below the Monopteros, a group repeatedly set off firecrackers and threw them at others. A youth is also said to have waved around an electric shock device. Two men who tried to intervene were attacked.

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