King Charles III: The palace announces the date of his coronation

King Charles III
The palace announces the date of his coronation

King Charles III reportedly wants a smaller coronation ceremony.

© imago images/i Images

The date for the coronation of Charles III. is certain. It’s May 6, 2023 – that’s his grandchild Archie’s fourth birthday.

Buckingham Palace has announced the date for the coronation ceremony of Charles III. (73) announced. Via the British Royal Family’s official Twitter account It has been announced that Charles will be crowned at Westminster Abbey on Saturday May 6, 2023 alongside Queen Consort Camilla (75).

How exactly the coronation of King Charles III. will look like has not yet been announced. British media unanimously quote from a statement of the royal family: “The coronation will reflect the role of the monarch today, looking to the future while being anchored in long-standing traditions and pageantry.”

In the run-up to the date announcement, it was assumed that Charles III. prefer a slimmed-down version of the official accession to the throne and want to do without some ostentatious rituals. For example, the guest list is said to be reduced from 8,000 dignitaries to 2,000, and a less formal dress code is desired. It is also very likely that a mandatory handover of a gold bar will fall by the wayside.

Express coronation on a delicate date?

The celebration aims to live up to his vision of a slimmer, more modern monarchy. Instead of the three-hour coronation of his late mother Elizabeth II (1926-2022) in 1952, Charles’ accession to the throne should take less than an hour, it is said.

In a completely different way, the chosen date for the coronation in the United States could cause resentment. May 6, 2023 is also the fourth birthday of a certain Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, the son of Prince Harry (38) and Duchess Meghan (41) and thus the grandson of King Charles III. Some critics of the royal family, who tend to stick with the Sussexes, could sense calculation or even a deliberate provocation. Either way, it should shed some interesting light on how Harry and Meghan will prioritize the day.


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