Kim Gloss: She had “huge fears” about Covid-19

Kim Gloss
She had “huge fears” about Covid-19

Kim Gloss has a Covid 19 illness.

© imago images / Eventpress Golejewski

Kim Gloss speaks about her Covid 19 disease in an interview. In the meantime she had “huge fears” for her daughter.

Kim Gloss (29) and her daughter Amelia (8) were infected with the corona virus at the end of November. Now the former “DSDS” star speaks for the first time in an interview about the past Covid 19 illness of the two. In the RTL show “VIPstagram” with Tanja Bülter (50) and Kena Amoa (51) Kim Gloss said that although they had “survived well” the disease. Nevertheless: “Despite the vaccination, it really knocked me out.” It was also “not funny” with her daughter. “Two days of dry cough, short of breath, sleepless” is how the singer and influencer describes her symptoms.

Gloss fell ill with Covid-19 five days after her daughter. Amelia brought the virus with her from school, as the influencer reported in an Instagram story at the end of November. After that, mother and daughter had gone into quarantine. “I was terrified when my daughter had such difficulty breathing,” says Gloss about Amelia’s illness. “Those were definitely sleepless nights.” The “turbulent times” were “not easy” for her husband Alexander. He lived in the hotel meanwhile so as not to get infected. “He was lost. We’ve never been apart for so long since we’ve been together,” says Gloss.

Kim Gloss converted to Judaism for her husband

The two have been a couple since 2016 and were married in Rome in August. Kim Gloss took a big step for love: she converted to Judaism for husband Alexander. “I converted out of love, but also out of conviction,” says Kim Gloss on RTL. “It was a long process. It is not easy to convert to the Jewish faith. It is also not always possible.” She had a rabbi at her side for the trial, who “endured” her, gave her lessons and “accompanied her for a year and a half”. Gloss had to “learn to read Hebrew” and in the end she had to take an exam in a court of law. “I had to audition there, answer questions. I was nervous about whether I would pass it,” says the influencer, describing this situation.

“It was a very warm and important step for me. I think that confirmed me once again that she is the right woman for my life,” says her husband Alexander of Gloss’s conversion to Judaism. The family celebrates Hanukka and Christmas in December. “I just called it Chrismukkah,” explains Gloss.

Kim Gloss and her husband want to have a child

After the wedding, the couple have more big plans: The two still want a child together. “We definitely have the wish,” confirms Gloss. Both brought a child into the marriage – Alexander a son and Gloss their daughter Amelia from the previous relationship with Rocco Stark (35).


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