Killed in 1996, rapper Tupac Shakur now has his star on the “Walk of fame”

A hip-hop legend joins the long list of Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. Killed nearly thirty years ago after a career as brief as it was dazzling, American rapper Tupac Shakur was awarded a star on the famous sidewalk of Los Angeles on Wednesday.

Tupac had risen to the top of the artists of the American west coast before being shot in September 1996 in Las Vegas, in circumstances which remain unclear. He was 25 years old.

Committed words and intense emotion

“Tupac knew deep down that he had a great future ahead of him,” his sister, Sekyiwa “Set” Shakur, said at the dedication ceremony. “I am extremely honored to be here today to represent the Shakur family,” she added. “As a little sister, I had the privilege of seeing her greatness emerge”.

The rapper, at the origin of the tubes California Love, Changes, Dear Mama or All Eyez On Me, has sold 75 million albums. Tupac Shakur, who would be 51 years old, remains very influential in the world of hip-hop, for his committed lyrics and intense emotion, but also for his sense of theater.

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