Katrin Göring-Eckardt, a tweet and lack of impulse control – Opinion

Katrin Göring-Eckardt tweeted about the skin color of the national team players, which resulted in the expected shitstorm. Apparently, even in 2024, there is a naivety in dealing with social media, coupled with a pronounced lack of impulse control.

Green politician Katrin Göring-Eckardt has been a member of the Bundestag for 26 years, she is the vice president of parliament and, it’s safe to say, one of the most experienced politicians in this country. And then on Wednesday evening, after the German national team’s match against Hungary, she tweeted out a message that caused exactly the shitstorm that any person with a bit of internet experience could have predicted before sending it. She wrote: “This team is really great. Just imagine if there were only white German players.”

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