Karl Lauterbach: He wants to vaccinate Bayern star Kimmich himself

Karl Lauterbach
He wants to vaccinate Bayern star Kimmich himself

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach also vaccinates himself.

© imago/Chris Emil Janssen

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach vaccinated friends and family himself. And he would also like to do the same with footballer Joshua Kimmich.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (58) personally uses the syringe during the corona vaccination campaign. The 58-year-old vaccinated those closest to him himself. And he would also do that with professional soccer player Joshua Kimmich (26), as he said in the “Bunte” interview: “I offer him that I vaccinate him myself and explain all the risks.” Lauterbach showed understanding for the fact that the Bayern star did not want to be vaccinated at first: “The body is his capital, so he was afraid.”

The football star caused countless discussions with his vaccination status at the end of 2021. In October he made it public that he had not yet been vaccinated against the virus. At the end of November, the player tested positive for the corona virus. In mid-December, Joshua Kimmich announced in an interview with “sportstudio reportage” that after initial concerns he now wanted to be vaccinated. Lauterbach said he thinks it’s “great”.

“That would be a disaster”

In addition, the Minister of Health revealed to “Bunte” that the most touching moment in the Corona crisis was “when my 86-year-old mother was vaccinated”. He himself “vaccinated friends and family, especially my daughter, because she wanted it. But I also went to focal points, we vaccinated from the bus. A politician who doesn’t go into practice even though he can, doing something wrong,” explained the doctor.

He emphatically campaigns for mandatory vaccination in Germany: “If we don’t have the courage to do it, we’re always threatened by new waves. If a new form of the Delta variant came back in the fall, it would be a disaster.” In addition, compulsory vaccination would “pacify the current conflicts. There would then no longer be any reason to take to the streets”.


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