The marriage proposal, broadcast on M6 in December, had moved the faithful of Love is in the meadow. Mathieu and Alexandre will say yes officially on Saturday, in the Camargue where they spin the perfect love. Most of the farmers of the fifteenth season of the show will make the trip, as well as Pierre and Frédérique, emblematic couple of season 7, Emeric and Aurelia (season 13). Karine Le Marchand will also be on the trip. The host will even officiate during the secular ceremony … 20 minutes joined Mathieu and Alexandre a few days before the wedding …
Mathieu, in February 2020, we met on the sidelines of the Paris Agricultural Show to discuss what you expected from your participation in “Love is in the meadow”. Would you have imagined yourself about to get married less than a year and a half later?
Mathieu: Never. I wanted to find someone but not get married. For me, marriage was so remote and remote. Today, it’s been a year since I speed-dating Alexandre. All this progress since then, what we have experienced at 250 an hour, it is extraordinary.
Alexander: For me, there was no question of marriage either. Meeting someone and being able to build something with them seemed complicated to me and in the end, that’s where we are today.
What do you have in particular for this day on Saturday?
AT. : The preparation was a bit complicated, Mathieu had family problems. We are looking forward to this party, but there will be some people who will not be present …
M.: My parents cannot come. My father is dying of the disease of which I am the worthy heir [la maladie de Cadasil, une pathologie génétique rare]. We wait for it to stop. He’s been in a coma for two months. My mother is hospitalized. She will not be able to participate in this day, so I’m fucking crazy. She was to bring me to the altar. It will be Karine [Le Marchand] Who’s gonna do it.
It doesn’t have to be obvious …
M.: Yes, it is very strange to prepare for a wedding and at the same time to prepare for the death of my dad. I go through ups and downs, even though I know the day will go well, will be superb, full of emotion. (Pause) The day will be good, we will arrive at the town hall around 10 am, on horseback – Karine will be on horseback too. We will have the wedding in the patio of the town hall. We will then leave, still on horseback and with the procession behind, to the manade, four kilometers further. The gendarmes will escort us. Once there, we will have a secular ceremony.
AT. : Karine Le Marchand will officiate and we will each make a speech.
M.: We couldn’t find a caterer that we were happy with, so we had a huge 3m50 by 1m50 barbecue built and ordered 60 kg of meat. We’ll have a bite to eat in campaign mode.
AT. : It will be a wedding that will look like us: simple, in the theme of Camargue folklore.
This is going to be the local celebrity event …
AT. : Yes, we kept the date a secret until the last moment.
M.: The date of June 12 was announced in TPMP. The production of Love is in the meadow then called us saying we were sick of saying so. Indeed, the mayor asked us to move because he feared that 2,000 people would disembark.
The rights of LGBT people are important to you. Last week, you spoke with Elisabeth Moreno, Minister Delegate in charge of Diversity. How did it go ?
M.: It was a very nice interview that lasted forty minutes. We talked about conversion therapy, PMA, surrogacy [gestation pour autrui], homophobia. It was a pretty frank exchange. We can see that this woman comes from the business world, there was not this tongue in cheek of the classic ENA politician. She told us something important: “The machine is on its way”. She is personally in favor of surrogacy and in favor of opening a debate. The machine is started, it will not stop. It is the tempo that we do not control. A recent Ifop poll shows that 53% of French people approve of surrogacy. Two years before the adoption of the “marriage for all” law, 58% of French people were in favor of opening marriage to same-sex couples. And we know that the “marriage for all” has taken place. On surrogacy, there is a whole ethical question that arises, but I think society has been transforming for a few months, I feel it is changing.
You took part in a clip against Lgbt-phobias, initiated by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Diversity. This spot, after having mentioned the insults and the journeys of the people concerned, includes heterosexuality …
M.: I find it quite good. We discussed the lexicon with the minister. I challenged her on the fact that today, the words we use are of great importance. We received so many messages that we could have written a book: hundreds and hundreds of people tell us they are no longer homophobic because they saw us on M6. It’s impressive. The term “fight against homophobia” is no longer of our time because it pits straight people against homosexuals and, as in any opposition, there is always a winner and a loser. I am more inclined to speak of “the struggle for universal love”. I am convinced that by including the homophobes in this fight, by taking them by the hand, by going to seek them, we will arrive much more quickly to the result. Today, it is stagnating. There are still so many homophobes, we’ve been fighting the same way for twenty years, in my opinion, we have to change the way we fight.
For example ?
M.: With Alex, we will leave for five months, from November to March, to the West Indies, with the support of Elisabeth Moreno’s ministry, to help LGBT associations on the spot and I proposed a kind of filmed project: we would like to be in immersion for a week, a fortnight, a month, with homophobes. We are convinced that at the end of this period, we will all kiss each other and say that we love each other. I want to prove that 80% of homophobes are just out of ignorance or out of unjustified fear. A Martinican production company and a journalist are very interested in this project. I want to bring people together. If we succeed in this experience and we manage to disseminate it, many homophobes will identify with these homophobes by saying to themselves “In the end, they are no longer, me, why I remain so? “
Is there something we haven’t covered that you want to talk about?
M.: In a year, we start the steps for a surrogacy. Alexandre and I are going to film everything to show the absurd side of the situation but also the happiness that it brings, the ability to do well. We talk a lot about surrogacy, there are books on the subject, but we don’t have enough visuals. These are the images that mark. It’s more intrusive, but networks are also an effective tool to communicate, so we’ll use them.
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