Karim Benzema imagines himself a “youth coach” for his post-career

Karim Benzema may be at the top of his game, as evidenced by his recent Ballon d’or obtained, he turns at 34 more and more to his post-career as a professional player. In an interview released Monday by the magazine QGthe Real Madrid striker, who should quickly officially extend his contract until 2024, has projected himself as never before into the future.

“I would like to coach young people because nowadays I find that they are not prepared enough in football academies. The only thing they are interested in is scoring goals,” says KB9, adding that his activity would “probably be football-related,” no matter what.

Suffice to say that OL supporters will resume harassing Jean-Michel Aulas (and perhaps John Textor) in the coming months on Twitter, so that the Brondillant returns to the club. Not as a player, but as a coach of future talents from Lyon, who we would thus imagine to be more and more altruistic.

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