Kadyrov supporters killed: Chechen special forces in Ukraine crushed

Kadyrov loyalists killed
Chechen task force in Ukraine crushed

Chechen special forces support the Russian invasion of Ukraine. At Hostomel, the Ukrainian elite unit Alpha succeeds in rendering one of these special units harmless. An important leader is said to have been killed.

According to their own account, Ukrainian troops destroyed a Chechen special unit coming from Russia during fierce fighting in the vicinity of Hostomel. This is reported by the Interfax-Ukraine news agency, citing sources in the Ministry of Defense in Kiev.

The commander of the 141st motorized regiment of the Chechen Rosguard, General Magomed Tuschaev, was also said to have been killed. This was confirmed by a soldier who was captured in the battle. According to military sources, he was killed by Ukraine’s elite Alpha group.

As “Ukrainska Pravda” reported early on Sunday morning, the Ukrainian soldiers captured large quantities of weapons in these battles. The information could not be independently verified.

Commander of 400 man special unit

Tuschajew commanded one of several special units, which is said to have been about 400 men strong. The special forces report directly to Chechnya’s President Ramzan Kadyrov. Tuschaev’s death has not yet been confirmed by the Chechen side. Instead, Kadyrov denied killing Tushayev. He uploaded a video to Telegram that allegedly shows Tushayev with Anzor Bisaev, another Chechen commander believed to be fighting in Ukraine. “They are more alive than the living,” wrote Kadyrov.

Russia had previously circulated images of Chechen fighters preparing to intervene in the fighting in Ukraine. It was said that up to 70,000 “volunteers” were ready. Chechen fighters are considered particularly brutal.

Located on the north-western edge of the Kiev region, Hostomel was the target of heavy Russian attacks at the beginning of the war. In addition to the international airport, there is also a large railway junction.

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