justice requests the delivery of recordings to Gérard Depardieu

We would do well without seeing these particularly disturbing images again. Accused by Gérard Depardieu of having manipulated passages from “Complément d’investigation” on France 2 where he made remarks of a sexual nature towards a little girl, the production company Hikari was ordered by the courts to hand over the corresponding recordings to this sequence to the actor.

“For the sake of transparency”

In this “Additional investigation” broadcast in December, we see the actor multiplying misogynistic and insulting remarks towards women and uttering others of a sexual nature when a little girl on a horse appears on the screen. Sparking a great stir, these images were taken during a trip to North Korea in 2018 with writer and director Yann Moix.

The actor, also faced with several accusations of rape and sexual assault which he disputes, wishes to “demonstrate that he never made” these remarks “in front of a young girl” and that the editing “does not restore” their reality “recipient”, recalls the court in its order.

“In the interests of transparency”, the court therefore orders Hikari to communicate the “recordings (…) strictly corresponding to the sequence filmed in the presence of Gérard Depardieu in the stud farm”. “The alleged violation of the secrecy of the sources” put forward by the production company for not transmitting these images “is not proven”, in the eyes of the court.

Depardieu rejected his other requests

“The Hikari company is appealing this decision and France Télévisions is supporting this approach,” the public audiovisual group told AFP, specifying that Gérard Depardieu was also rejected “all his requests vis-à-vis » from France Télé (provide all the recordings and the bailiff’s report authenticating them, etc.).

“This decision is challenging,” judges France Télé, “because it would lead to any complainant demanding the rushes (raw images, editor’s note) in the event of disagreement during a report, which would be extremely problematic with regard to the protection of confidentiality. journalists’ sources.”

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