Justice cancels the supervision of strikes in canteens

The Marseille Administrative Court of Appeal confirmed on Tuesday the cancellation of the framework for the right to strike of city officials in school canteens, a measure enacted by an agreement between the municipality and certain unions, a-t- she stated in a statement.

“The Marseille administrative court of appeal refused to stay the execution of the judgment of the Marseille administrative court which had canceled the deliberation of the city of Marseille approving such an agreement”, ruled the court.

Last minute cancellations

The administrative court of Marseilles had annulled at the end of October a deliberation of the municipal council approving the agreement reached with certain unions (FO, CFE-CGC, CFTC and Unsa) to ensure the continuity of public service in school canteens and in nurseries in case of a staff strike.

These movements, aimed at denouncing understaffing, are indeed recurrent in Marseille and regularly lead to service cancellations announced at the last minute. Under the terms of the agreement, the municipal agents could no longer carry out a strike at lunch time alone and without prior warning.

The city of Marseille, highlighting a risk of disorganization, had asked the administrative court of appeal to suspend the effects of the first instance decision, pending the result of its appeal on the merits of the case, which should take place ” in March 2023,” according to the court statement.

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