Justice: Another day of proceedings in the trial against Höcke

Another day of proceedings in the trial against Höcke

Björn Höcke must once again answer for using a banned SA slogan. Photo

© Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

Thuringia’s AfD leader is in court for the second time because of a banned Nazi slogan. On the second day of the trial, various motions were discussed. There was not enough time.

In the trial against Thuringia’s AfD state leader Björn Höcke, the Halle Regional Court has sentenced another Hearing day scheduled.

Presiding judge Jan Stengel set July 1 as the continuation date. He referred to the large number of applications from the prosecution and defense, for which the court needed more time than was available.

The public prosecutor’s office has charged Höcke with chanting the banned Nazi slogan “Everything for Germany” at an AfD get-together with around 350 participants in Gera, Thuringia, last December. He spoke the first two words and, according to the public prosecutor’s office, encouraged the audience to complete the chant with gestures. The slogan was once used by the Sturmabteilung (SA), the paramilitary combat organization of the Nazi party NSDAP. Höcke claims to be innocent.


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