Jürgen Blin dead: he boxed one against Muhammad Ali

Aged 79
He fought against Muhammad Ali: Former professional boxer Blin died

Jürgen Blin 2018 near his home in Hamburg

© Christian Charisius/ / Picture Alliance

As his family announced, former professional boxer Jürgen Blin passed away. He became famous for his fight against Ali.

Former European boxing champion Jürgen Blin died in Hamburg on Saturday after a short illness at the age of 79. The confirmed son Jörg Blin, who had recently visited his father in the hospital in Reinbek, the German Press Agency on Sunday. Blin leaves behind two sons and his partner.

Jürgen Blin boxed against Muhammad Ali in 1972

Blin’s greatest success was winning the European Heavyweight Championship against the Spaniard Jose Manuel Urtain in June 1972. His most famous fight was the duel with boxing icon Muhammad Ali in the annals. Blin lost the December 1971 confrontation in Zurich by knockout in the seventh round. “That was the only fight I knew about beforehand: you can’t win it,” the Hamburger later said.

The milker’s son had 48 professional fights, winning 30, losing 12 and drawing six. He ended his career in the ring in 1973 after nine years. Until the end he had trained hopeful boxing talents in Hamburg.

dpa / lsc

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