Jungle camp star Leyla Lahouar received a bitter cancer diagnosis

In an interview with Fabio Knez, jungle camp star Leyla Lahouar talks about a serious stroke of fate. A few years ago she was diagnosed with cervical cancer.

There is a story behind every person. This sentence has already been heard a few times in the current season of the jungle camp. But how true it is was shown again in a conversation between the jungle camp stars Fabio Knez (30) and Leyla Lahouar (27). The two celebrity jungle campers brought up the topic of children. Leyla revealed that she was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago.

Jungle camp star Leyla Lahouar suffered from cervical cancer

“I’m totally old school. I’d love to be married and have a family,” explains Leyla Fabio, with a light in her eyes. Before Leyla moved into the jungle, she tried to find true love on “Bachelor”. Unfortunately without success. But it wasn’t just the difficult search for the right partner that bothered Leyla. She also struggled with serious health problems.

“I once had cervical cancer,” reveals the 27-year-old. Your illness wasn’t that long ago. She suffered from it about five years ago. “I had constant bleeding for three months,” says Leyla. She went to different doctors until she got a diagnosis. “When the doctor told me, it was as if the rug had been pulled out from under me.” It is uncertain whether she will now be able to bear children at all. During the cancer operation, doctors had to remove a piece of the uterus. “It’s harder and riskier to get pregnant. And then also whether you keep it at all.” But Leyla remains positive – “I believe it will work!” Your dream? Preferably two children.

Jungle camp star Fabio Knez also wants to have children

Fabio is also not averse to having children. “It makes sense to pass on your good genes,” said the 30-year-old. But Fabio doesn’t yet know whether it will all work out smoothly for him. “Who knows whether I’ll be able to have children at all. I’ve been x-rayed many times in the hospital because I had so many fractures! And they always forgot this loincloth,” he tells Leyla about his worries. He sees another danger in heated seats. “I always drive with heated seats, which can make you impotent.” But now he wants to move in with his Darya first and then look further.

All episodes of “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here” are also available here RTL+.

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