Jungle camp 2023: fans angry at RTL moderators

In “The Hour After” presenter Angela Finger-Erben spoke in detail about Jolina Mennen.Image: RTL


Vera Siebnich

On day two in jungle camp unpacked Jolina Mennen. The Youtuber spoke candidly about the moment she decided to transition. “When I saw the wedding photos, that’s when I said I needed to start my transition. It felt like the biggest lie of my life to me. And then I started talking to him “She reports on the RTL show. Candidate Gigi is absolutely thrilled with Jolina’s husband’s reaction. “And he went through everything? Totally sweet, ey!” He thinks.

Jolina’s transition was then also a topic on the show “I’m a star – get me out of here! The hour after”. While the guests of Angela Finger-Erben and Olivia Jones are completely enthusiastic about so much courage and honesty, RTL is definitely receiving criticism on social media. The accusation: The broadcaster would promote tolerance and then not observe even the simplest basic rules. What happened?

Jungle camp 2023: RTL gives tips and receives criticism

RTL was open on Saturday evening Instagram posted an info post. The broadcaster gave tips for trans*sensitive language. In the post, RTL mentions various formulations that can be offensive to trans* people. At the same time, alternatives are offered that are more inclusive. For example, you can say “He was at the birth assigned the female gender” instead of using the phrase “He was born a girl”.

RTL receives a lot of support for this, including from Jolina Mennen’s Instagram account. Many are happy that RTL is addressing the important topic so aggressively and wants to enlighten its followers. But some users promptly accuse RTL of not following its own advice.

A user writes below the picture: “This post is super important and totally appropriate. Your moderator for ‘The Hour After’ might have read it again.”

In fact, the “Hour After” talks extensively about Jolina’s report and Gigi’s reaction to it. The guests in the studio are very enthusiastic about Jolina’s openness. Lutz van der Horst explains that he was touched by the scene, Natascha Ochsenknecht thinks Jolina is brave. Everyone involved makes sure to use the correct pronoun for Jolina and not to address her by her “dead name”, i.e. the name she lived under before the transition. However, there are other commentators who opinion are that the subject was not well covered in the show. For example, one person complains:

“The moderation of the after show bangs out, ‘… That Jolina used to be a man’.”

Positive reactions for Jolina and Gigi

It sounds as if not everyone at RTL is as sensitive to the topic as many are People would wish for. However, the broadcaster also gets a lot of encouragement for the post itself.

This also applies to Jolina herself, who in the “hour after” was told by those present celebrities received a lot of positive feedback for their appearance. Lutz van der Horst and Natascha Ochsenknecht praise Jolina for her openness. They also rate Gigi’s reaction as very positive, even if he chose rather unusual words for Jolina. But this shows once again why it is important to continue to educate people about how to deal sensitively with trans* people.

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