Jungle Anya screams at Sarah Kern!

Your nerves are probably on edge! In the jungle camp, the candidates have to face tough challenges. They encounter creepy crawlies not only in exams, but also in everyday life in the Australian bush. The former Germany’s Next Top Model participant Anya Elsner (20) does not seem to have considered this before she moved in – Because the encounter with a spider now even leads to a fight with her colleague Sarah Kern (55)!

The reality star sees the eight-legged friend on the jungle phone and immediately starts crying: “There’s one on the tree too! They send the spiders in here especially!” The crying attack can above all Sarah Kern do not understand. “You’re not serious! Why is she crying now? Because there’s a spider sitting there? We’re in the jungle here.”emphasized Sarah. Despite everything, it works Anya and wants to encourage her.

But that backfires: “Do not touch me. […] If I have a panic attack, you can’t say ‘We’re in the jungle’.” Anya seems to have noticed that Sarah hadn’t spoken too kindly about her fears before. But the viewers are more on the side of the 56-year-old. “And Anya turns on again until it no longer works. What a show!”, it says, for example X.

Sarah Kern, jungle camp 2024
Anya Elsner in the jungle camp
Anya Elsner in the jungle camp

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