Julian Assange is free: Reactions after the release of the Wikileaks founder – Politics

Following his release from prison in London, the mother of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange thanked the many supporters who have campaigned for the Australian for years. “I am grateful that my son’s ordeal is finally coming to an end,” Australian broadcaster ABC quoted Christine Assange as saying. “This shows how important and powerful quiet diplomacy is.”

Many have taken advantage of her son’s situation “to pursue their own goals, so I am grateful to the invisible, hard-working people who have put Julian’s well-being above all else,” Christine Assange said. “The last 14 years have obviously taken a toll on me as a mother, so I would like to thank you in advance for respecting my privacy.”

Assange’s father John Shipton told ABC that everything indicates that his son will be able to return to Australia: “As far as I understand, Julian will be able to lead a normal life with his family and his wife Stella.” Shipton thanked all supporters and especially Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

He also made a statement on Tuesday: “There is nothing to be gained by his continued detention and we want him returned to Australia,” Albanese said of Assange. “We have advocated for Australia’s interests and used all appropriate channels to achieve a positive outcome.” As soon as the legal proceedings are finally concluded, the Prime Minister said he would comment in more detail. He hoped that this would be the case very soon. According to him, Assange will continue to receive consular assistance from the Australian High Commissioner to the UK, Stephen Smith, who will accompany Assange on his departure.

Stella Assange speaks out in a social media video

Julian Assange’s wife called on his supporters to help in a video. “We intend to set up an emergency fund for Julian’s health and recovery,” says Stella Assange in the clip, which was published on YouTube overnight. “I ask you, if you can, to make a contribution and help us transition to this new phase of Julian’s freedom.”

“We intend to set up an emergency fund for Julian’s health and recovery,” says Stella Assange. (Photo: Free Assange via Youtube/via Reuters)

The video was reportedly recorded on June 19. In it, Stella Assange stands in front of the London Belmarsh prison, where Assange was imprisoned for more than five years. Wikileaks boss Kristinn Hrafnsson says: “If you see this, it means he is out.” A movement has formed over all the years of her husband’s imprisonment, Stella Assange said. She not only supports her husband, but also the values ​​he stands for: “truth and justice.”

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