Julian Assange: He will get married in prison

Julian Assange
He’s going to get married in prison

Julian Assange wants to get married in prison.

© imago / ZUMA Press

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange can marry his partner Stella Moris in prison. The couple received the necessary approval.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange (50) is allowed to marry in prison. According to British media reports, he has received approval to say “ I do ” to his partner Stella Moris in the maximum security prison in Belmarsh. Assange has been in detention since 2019 after the US took legal action for an extradition.

Engaged since 2017

He allegedly met Stella Moris when Assange was living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. There he had applied for political asylum. The couple has two children and is believed to have been engaged since 2017. On Twitter, she is said to have confirmed the approval for the marriage in prison.

Assange became known as the founder and spokesman for the platform Wikileaks. From March 2010 onwards, it had published secret US military documents and videos on international military operations.


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