Judicial reform in Israel: riots after Netanyahu’s speech

Status: 07/21/2023 03:26 am

A core element of the controversial judicial reform in Israel is to be decided at the beginning of next week. The protest against it is getting louder again – and turned violent in Tel Aviv after a Netanyahu speech.

During protests against the Israeli government’s controversial judicial reform, there have been clashes between demonstrators and the police in Tel Aviv.

Demonstrators blocked the main highway for several hours in the evening and set fire to it. There were also street battles with officials. Hundreds of other protesters continued a nearly 70-kilometer march from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Netanyahu defends reform in address to the nation

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu previously defended the controversial judicial reform in a speech to the nation. In his prime-time address in the evening, Netanyahu also described the plans of military reservists to refuse service because of the reform as an attack on democracy.

It is the military that must submit to the government and not the other way around. “If they succeed in carrying out their threats, it will put a damper on democracy,” Netanyahu said. And: “Denying service endangers the security of every citizen of Israel.”

Part of the reform is to be decided on Monday

In his speech, Netanyahu said he was “open to negotiations” about a core element of the controversial judicial reform. Efforts are still being made to “reach an agreement with the opposition”. He “really hopes the effort will be successful,” he added. The Israeli prime minister assured that even in the absence of an agreement, his “door will remain open for negotiations”.

In his speech, Netanyahu expressed understanding for criticism of the restructuring of the judiciary, but at the same time clearly signaled that he wanted to press ahead with his plans. The Knesset’s Judiciary Committee approved the current draft of the so-called adequacy clause on Wednesday evening. The debate on the law should therefore begin on Sunday in Parliament. The final vote in second and third reading is scheduled for Monday.

It is about a law that will mean that Israel’s highest court will no longer be able to examine the “appropriateness” of decisions made by representatives of the people. Critics see this reform and other projects as attempts to undermine the democratic separation of powers and allow the government to make arbitrary decisions. This also opens the door to corruption. The government, on the other hand, argues that elected representatives of the people must be strengthened in the face of an encroaching judiciary.

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