Judicial reform in Israel: Biden calls on Netanyahu to compromise

Status: 03/20/2023 09:29 am

For eleven weeks, tens of thousands in Israel have been protesting against the controversial judicial reform. Now US President Biden is also taking a stand. In a phone call, he called on Prime Minister Netanyahu to compromise.

The restructuring of the judiciary sought by Israel’s ultra-right government has been the subject of international criticism for weeks. Now US President Joe Biden has spoken for the first time.

In a telephone call, the US President called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to compromise on the controversial judicial reform – and offered his help.

Democratic principles as a trademark

Democratic principles have always been and must remain the hallmark of US-Israeli relations, Biden said, according to the White House.

Biden also pointed out that “democratic societies are strengthened by real checks and balances” and that “important changes should be made with the greatest possible public support”.

Netanyahu’s office said the PM had assured Biden that Israel was and will remain a strong and vibrant democracy.

People in Israel have been protesting against the planned reform for weeks. Hundreds of thousands took to the streets on Saturday alone.

Scholz sees reform with “great concern”

During a visit to Netanyahu in Berlin last Thursday, Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he was “very concerned” about the judicial reform in Israel. The German-Israeli Society (DIG) is also divided over the reform plans. Democracy includes the limitation of political power by law. The coalition’s draft legislation called that into question.

The reform planned by the Israeli government provides more power for parliament and less rule-of-law control by the independent judiciary. Netanyahu and his ultra-religious and far-right coalition partners argue that the judiciary in Israel currently has too much power.

Critics fear that the separation of powers will be abolished and that democracy in Israel will be undermined. They also accuse Netanyahu of proposing legislative changes aimed, among other things, at protecting him from impeachment. Netanyahu is currently on trial for corruption.

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