Judicial information opened on the fires of Landiras

This Friday, the parquet floor of Bordeaux announced in a press release the opening of a judicial investigation in the context of the fires of Landiras, in the South-Gironde. Since July 12 the fire has burned 12,800 hectares of forest. If the fire is stabilized today, it is not yet fixed, that is to say that its evolution is uncertain.

“Two investigating magistrates have been appointed to investigate in joint referral this open case of the heads of destruction by fire of wood, forests, moors, maquis, plantations or reforestation of others likely to expose people to bodily harm and to create irreversible damage to the environment”, details Frédérique Porterie, public prosecutor of Bordeaux. The penalty is 15 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros.

A complex and large-scale investigation

The designated magistrates should entrust the gendarmerie with investigations in co-referral with the central office for the fight against damage to the environment and public health (OCLAESP) and the French office for biodiversity (OFB).

Ten investigators from the research brigade of Langon and that of Bordeaux are already mobilized on this investigation.

A man had been taken into custody on July 18 before being released in this case.

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