Judgment for negligent homicide final – Bavaria

The judgment in the appeal process for a dead 20-year-old is final. This was announced by a spokesman for the Würzburg regional court on Friday. The deadline for filing an appeal had expired the day before. The court had sentenced the driver who had been involved in the accident last week to one year and three months’ youth imprisonment. The chamber suspended the sentence for negligent homicide on Wednesday. The probation period was set for two years. (Ref. 913 Js 7648/17)

There were a total of four defendants in the trial. On the day of the accident in April 2017, the young men sat in the car that caught the woman on a local road near Eisenheim between Würzburg and Schweinfurt. The driver, a novice driver, was drunk. He came back from a wine festival with his friends. The car just kept going after the impact. Without getting help for the seriously injured, the young men went to sleep at home on the night of the accident.

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