Judged at the assizes for having voluntarily crushed a pedestrian

A 26-year-old man at the material time is on trial from Monday at the Pyrénées-Orientales assizes. He is accused of having deliberately darkened his ex-partner in 2018 in Perpignan, with whom he had been separated for a month and a half.

The latter, aged 56 in 2018, had been violently struck while walking on the sidewalk and thrown onto a lamp post a few meters away.

Serious consequences

The victim had been transported to the University Hospital of Perpignan in a coma. He suffered from severe head trauma. If he finally survived his injuries, he kept the after-effects, in particular a loss of autonomy.

During the investigation, the accused changed versions several times. The jurors will try to determine if he voluntarily darkened his ex-partner and if his judgment was abolished at the time of the facts, as concluded by a psychiatric expert. The rumor of a terrorist act had been quickly dismissed. The verdict is expected on Friday.

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