Judged after the death of one of his clients, a dealer released

A crack seller from northeastern Paris was released Monday in Paris, where he was tried for manslaughter after the death of one of his customers. “It was not me who gave him the product that caused his death,” Ahmed Bomo defended himself on Monday before the Paris Criminal Court. This 24-year-old crack dealer, born in Gabon and in an irregular situation in France, was acquitted of the manslaughter of Gérard A., who died between June 7 and 9, 2021 after buying him crack, a substance derived from cocaine.

Also known as “Napolitano”, he was however sentenced for crack trafficking to a three-year prison term with continued detention and a permanent ban from French territory. His accomplice in the deal and roommate, also tried that day, was sentenced to eighteen months in prison. “The causal link is not established between the transaction and the death of Gérard A.”, justified the court, which notes the absence of an autopsy report to determine the date and time of death and an expertise comparing the product sold and that ingested.

The anger of the victim’s sister

On June 9, 2021, firefighters discovered the body of Gérard A. in his apartment. A toxicological analysis revealed that the death was the result of cocaine poisoning, ingested in the hours preceding death. Telephone and video surveillance analyzes made it possible to trace a transaction in the Stalingrad district, a known place for the sale and consumption of crack in Paris, and to trace back to Ahmed Bomo. “What I gave him is not even half a gram, said the defendant, already convicted several times for drug trafficking, and who also claims to be a consumer. Even I smoked that stuff. »

“When a dealer sells, he is responsible for all the direct damage that his product has caused”, retorted the lawyer for the civil parties, Me Philippe Ohayon. The sister of the victim, present on the side of the civil parties, specified that Gérard A. suffered from depression, bipolar disorders and a problem of addiction to narcotics. But, according to her, he had no suicidal intentions. “He knew how to manage the way he consumed very well,” she said at the helm. When the release was announced, however, she could not contain her anger. She had to be evacuated from the room by the police present.

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