Joshua Kimmich: Should 2G also apply to football professionals? Vote

Dramatically increasing numbers of infections
The Joshua Kimmich case: should 2G also apply to football professionals? Vote

The pressure on unvaccinated football professionals like Joshua Kimmich is increasing

© Sven Hoppe / DPA

Like Joshua Kimmich, around ten percent of the professionals in the first and second division should not be vaccinated against Corona. The federal states have now increased the pressure and are considering 2G for footballers. Is that appropriate? Vote!

The new Infection Protection Act provides for 3G for employees and 2G for leisure activities. But in view of the dramatic situation and the great symbolic power of football, the prime ministers of the federal states have agreed to examine the 2G rule for football professionals. The sticking point remains the question of legal certainty. Is such a rule even legally permissible?

Regardless of the outcome of the test, politicians have massively increased the pressure on football clubs. The heated debate about Bayern professional Joshua Kimmich shows how much the topic moves many people. What rights should footballers have? Do they have to take on more responsibility than normal employees? Vote!

Editor’s note: The interim results are displayed in real time after you have cast your vote. This is not a representative survey, it only reflects the opinion of the participants.


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