Jordan Bardella sets his conditions for Matignon, Gabriel Attal sees it as “a refusal of obstacles”

The leader of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, insisted that he could not “not act” without “absolute majority”, Tuesday June 18. What Prime Minister Gabriel Attal described as “refusal of obstacle”. “The reality is that at the National Rally, everything is approximations or denials”, denounced Gabriel Attal on franceinfo. Directly targeting his rival, the Prime Minister estimated that “when it comes to Jordan Bardella, there is less and less of a program and more and more conditions. It’s starting to look like a refusal of an obstacle”. Follow our live stream.

Olivier Faure pleads for a vote. “There will be a vote, it’s the only way to arbitrate.” To designate the future Prime Minister in the event of a victory for the left during the early legislative elections, the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, “hope that all those who will form this new majority will be able to meet again the day after July 7 and who together will be able to designate the one who will be best placed”he said on BFMTV on Tuesday.

No tax increase for the presidential camp. On franceinfo, Tuesday, the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, assured that he wanted “include in the finance law that we do not increase taxes”. “This is one of the commitments I am making in this campaign: the implementation of what we call an anti-tax increase golden rule”did he declare.

The left united during a first meeting. Olivier Faure, Clémentine Autain, Marine Tondelier, François Ruffin… Thirteen days before the first round, several tenors of the New Popular Front called for “unity” from the left, from Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) Monday evening. “We have not won yet, but we have won against the slope of the worst [et] of resignation”launched François Ruffin in front of several hundred supporters. “Let us vow together to never let go”added the first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure.

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