Jordan Bardella details his program and calls for an “absolute majority” for the RN

Jordan Bardella demanded, Monday June 17, “an absolute majority” from the National Rally (RN) to the National Assembly “to govern”estimating that ” person “ can’t believe “that we can change the daily lives of the French with a relative majority”in a interview at Parisian. “I say to the French: to try us, we need an absolute majority”insisted the one who is expected to enter Matignon in the event of success of the RN in the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

The president of the National Rally outlined the main measures implemented in the event of accession to power, in particular the repeal of the pension reform “from autumn”. Mr. Bardella had until then been vague, judging again last week that the subject was not “priority”.

Monday evening, his new ally Eric Ciotti estimated on France 2’s 8 p.m.” he [n’était] not said that the pension reform will be repealed”referring to “room for maneuver that will be given” by an audit of public finances. “It is the RN which leads this coalition”Mr. Bardella indirectly replied, also advocating allowing “those who started working before the age of 20 can retire with 40 years of service at a legal retirement age of 60”.

Read the decryption | Article reserved for our subscribers Jordan Bardella returns to the RN’s promise to repeal the pension reform if it comes to power

Reduction in VAT on energy

Regarding the reduction in VAT on energy and fuel, which he intends to drop from 20% to 5.5%, the boss of the RN intends to implement it this summer, via a finance bill correction during an extraordinary parliamentary session. The latter could, however, only be held after a decree signed by the President of the Republic. The leader of the Lepenists, on the other hand, refers the abolition of VAT on basic necessities to “a second time”.

On the revenue side, the big winner of the European elections is proposing to eliminate “tax loopholes”notably those on shipowners, and reduce France’s contribution to the European Union budget by 2 billion euros.

Jordan Bardella also intends to resurrect the minimum penalties for drugs and offenses against persons holding public authority, and reiterates his proposal to suspend family allowances for parents of repeat juvenile delinquents.

The abolition of land law and the replacement of state medical aid with an emergency fund which “will only cover vital emergencies” are also on the program.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers Europeans 2024: the reversals of the National Rally’s program in ten years

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