Jim Carrey and America Unmasked on Arte… Roommates from Hell on Netflix…

There is not only live in life, there is also replay. From YouTube and Netflix to TV channel replays and radio station podcasts, 20 minutes concocts for you every Sunday a list of things to see, or see again, to listen to or re-listen to.

“Jim Carrey: America Unmasked”, an essential portrait on Arte

Already an excellent book by Adrien Dénouette with no less excellent editions Shaping (also read Speed ​​Racer: The Wachowskis in the light of speed), Jim Carrey: America Unmasked becomes a documentary for Arte, still under the leadership of its author in collaboration with Thibaut Sève. The directors portray the actor who is both box office star and still elusive. From his discovery on TV alongside the Wayans brothers to the consecration and mise en abyme of Man on the Moon, Jim Carrey’s career has gone through different humors, from the most regressive to the most disturbing. But above all, behind the grimaces, the comedian and actor pinned American society, appearance, all media.

“Un bail d’enfer”, or the worst roommates, on Netflix

Become a specialist in true crime since Making a Murdererthe Netflix platform continues to explore and develop the format, with, for example, available since March 1, A lease from hell. In the French title, it is possible to prefer the original Worst Roommate Ever, literally “the worst possible tenants”. That’s four stories of roommates who don’t just make a little too much noise, but who rip off, steal, stalk, and even kill. Here, your roommate arrives with a question: “What are we watching tonight? »

“Kimi”, Steven Soderberg’s new thriller starring Zoë Kravitz

Known to the general public for the trilogy Ocean’s Elevenfamous for Sex, lies and video, Erin Brockovich Where Traffic, the American director may have disappeared from the big screens, but he is known to shoot, for platforms, at the sustained rate of one film per year. The latest, KIMI, has been available since last Thursday on VOD. Zoë Kravitz plays Angela, a computer scientist who, in the midst of a pandemic and teleworking, analyzes the data from a voice-activated server like Siri but named Kimi. Except that one day, she hears the evidence of a murder. Under the influence of classics like Court window, secret talk Where Blow OutSoderbergh signs a techno and paranoid thriller that is always effective if not original.

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