Jean-Luc Mélenchon will report to the prosecutor the video of the far-right youtubeur Papacito

Screenshot from the video of YouTuber Papacito against which Jean-Luc Mélenchon wishes to file a complaint. – H. Sergeant / 20Minutes

  • Papacito’s channel, a far-right youtuber, is followed by more than 100,000 people.
  • In a video published on June 6, the 30-year-old staged himself with a firearm, shooting at a mannequin representing a “voter of Jean-Luc Mélenchon”.
  • “Moved” by this macabre staging, the boss of La France rebellious announced on Monday his intention to file a complaint and reported the content to YouTube as to the Pharos platform.
  • These reports led on Monday to the deletion of the video by the site’s moderation teams, the content having violated the rules of use in terms of incitement to violence.

From the start of his video, Papacito recognized him. “She might be a little bit biased […], with a possibility of being slippery and fascinating. “Then to add, mockingly:” But we will do everything to ensure that this is not the case! “.

Failed bet for this popular far-right YouTuber and “friend” of polemicist Eric Zemmour. Posted on Sunday, June 6, his twenty-minute tutorial entitled “Is leftism bulletproof?” ”, Was removed from the platform less than 24 hours later. This mock execution of a “voter of Jean-Luc Mélenchon”, produced in collaboration with Code Rheino, another figure of the extreme right online, violated the rules of use of the site in terms of incitement to hatred.

Reported to YouTube and the Pharos platform, responsible for illegal content on the Internet, the video was however seen by more than 110,000 Internet users and since republished by other more confidential accounts.

A “scientific experiment” according to its author

As soon as it was put online, Papacito warned his fans on his Instagram account: “Go quickly check out my last video before progress does not censor it.” Playing with YouTube moderation rules and visibly aware of the violent nature of his staging, he claims repeatedly in the video footage that it is a “science experiment.” “We will see if the basic equipment of a voter of Jean Luc Mélenchon is effective against a terrorist attack,” he explains in the preamble. Weapons in hand in front of a dummy, his colleague Code Rheino adds: “We have reconstructed a leftist and we are going to test him with 12”, in reference to the caliber used by the two men.

After their shooting session, facing the figure whose head exploded under the bullets, Papacito quipped: “Can you buy fair trade coffee without a head?” »And adds:« We can see that if we are not well prepared, it can be incapacitating to take 6 chevro balls. […]. Our experience shows that it is better to prepare to prevent it from ending up … headless! If you want tolerance, that’s very very good, in the world you need it, but tolerance is always good to enforce it with an extra gun ”.

A report to the prosecutor

In a solemn speech, broadcast this Monday on his YouTube channel, Jean-Luc Mélenchon denounced “shocking images” and pointed to “intellectual terrorism which always precedes physical terrorism”. Apart from his own camp, only the LREM deputy of Vienna, Sacha Houlié, had displayed this Monday his support for the elected leftist. “The video and the words of #Papacito are extremely serious. They fall under the blow of the law and call for an implacable sanction. The removal of this content is required. Republican support for Jean-Luc Mélenchon and his teams, ”he posted on Twitter. On the right, the mayor of Béziers Robert Menard pointed to a “filthy video” and lamented that Papacito became “the useful idiot of those who want to keep power in place”.

Despite the removal of the video on the official Papacito channel, the leader of the rebels has announced his intention to take legal action. Contacted by 20 minutes, his lawyer Mathieu Davy indicates: “Tomorrow morning we will file an article 40 report with the public prosecutor. We believe that it is up to him to seize these threats ”.

In the event that the prosecutor decides not to open an investigation, Mathieu Davy specifies: “We will take our responsibilities by filing a complaint for incitement to murder and bodily harm and we will become a civil party. A petition should also be launched in the coming days to allow members and rebellious activists who wish to join this complaint.



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