Jean-Luc Mélenchon regrets having participated in the program “Face à Baba” by Cyril Hanouna

the essential
In a message posted on his site, Jean-Luc Mélenchon returned to his participation on Thursday January 27 in “Face à Baba” on C8. A show that sticks in his throat.

Second guest of “Face à Baba”, Jean-Luc Mélenchon deplores the course of the program broadcast this Thursday, January 27, live on C8. The leader of La France Insoumise did not really appreciate the length of his face-to-face with Eric Zemmour who had already been entitled to a program just for him a few weeks ago. “When a sequence which was to last twenty minutes with Zemmour instead of ten by favor of the antenna and which lasts to finish one hour ten, it is difficult not to have the feeling of having been maneuvered”, regrets the politician, in a open letter posted on his blog.

On his face-to-face with a representative of the police, he also regretted that the latter “did not express a word of compassion” in front of the daughter of Cédric Chouviat, “choked to death in the hands of four police officers”.

But “proud” of his intervention

The day after the debate, Jean-Luc Mélenchon also confided that he was “proud to have traced his path for four hours without ever weakening”. The length of the debate is also a divisive issue. Originally, Cyril Hanouna had sold him a two-hour program, but the presenter kept the antenna for twice the planned time.

The candidate of LFI, very angry, declares that he will henceforth be even more observant on the programs in which he participates. He will not accept “any more program without a serious guarantee of balance, even if it means canceling an hour before or leaving the set along the way”.

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