Jean-Louis Borloo denounces the persistence of “urban segregation” in France

He is considered the father of urban renewal. Former centrist minister Jean-Louis Borloo denounces in an interview Wednesday at the review Zadig the lack of resources allocated to poor neighborhoods and the persistence of “urban segregation” in France.

“In the neighborhoods, there are four times less resources than elsewhere, compared to the number of inhabitants (…) The Republic does much less for these weightless areas than for the others”, protested the one who had been in charge. by Emmanuel Macron to give him a vast plan for the suburbs, finally partly rejected by the Head of State in May 2018.

Support for associations and subsidized jobs

In the interview, Jean-Louis Borloo discusses the proposals of his plan, in particular a “territorial equity court” aimed at correcting inequalities in budgetary allocations, support for associations and subsidized jobs, or even “digital campuses”. »Aimed at young people from working-class neighborhoods.

The youth of the neighborhoods “represents a form of avant-garde! But we do the opposite ”, according to him. And to ask: “Do you know a country that can afford to have 150,000 young people at the bottom of buildings, waiting? It’s absurd ! These neighborhoods are an opportunity or a tragedy for our country, you just have to know what you want. “

“The separatism of the elites is at least as important as that of the suburbs”

The former politician advocates among other things “tax exemption for all business start-ups, to introduce a reduction in VAT”, “to create nursery places even if the cities are poor”.

He insists on “urban segregation”, judging that “the separatism of the elites is at least as important as that of the suburbs”. And, in his eyes, “the problem is the same in these neighborhoods as in very neglected rural areas, in the overseas departments and in small medium-sized towns” in decline “: the inhabitants have half the hope of success there than in the French overseas departments. the rest of the territory of the Republic ”.

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