Jean Castex announces a bonus of 100 euros per month for nurses in critical care services

Critical care and resuscitation nurses will be rewarded for their efforts during the Covid-19 crisis. Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on Tuesday that a monthly bonus of 100 euros net would be paid to them from January 2022.

This “long-term bonus” concerns “nearly 30,000 nurses (…) in public and private establishments”. It “represents a global budget of 54 million euros per year,” said the Ministry of Health in a press release.

A specificity and technicality finally recognized

“These services require a qualification, a very strong technicality and the difficulty of this task can be detrimental to the attractiveness of these services”, explained Jean Castex at the end of a visit, with the Minister of Health Olivier Véran, from an intensive care unit at the Center hospitalier intercommunal de Créteil.

This bonus recognizes “this specificity, this technicality” of the caregivers, declared the Prime Minister. “It is, as an extension of the efforts that the nation is making under the Health Segur, an indispensable recognition for these services which we obviously need more than ever in the current crisis we are going through with the arrival of the variant. Omicron, ”he added.

A first gesture still insufficient

“A premium is not enough”, reacted in a press release the National Federation of Resuscitation Nurses (Fnir), which nevertheless “thanked (e) the government” for “this first gesture”.

“The caregivers need an improvement in their daily working conditions”, underlined this association, which calls in particular for a training “structured at the national level” and staffs adapted to the “ratio of a nurse for two resuscitation beds “.

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