Javier Pastore’s opinion on the departure of Kylian Mbappé

The announcement of his departure was expected, it has now been made. Kylian Mbappé will no longer be a Paris Saint-Germain player this summer, seven years after his arrival in the capital. The 25-year-old striker will join Real Madrid free of any contract, with the status of top scorer in the club’s history, and a final season under fire from critics. But former PSG player Javier Pastore does not have a short memory, and would have liked to stay his entire career in Paris.

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“Today I support his decision 100% because these are personal choices. If he feels that the time has come to leave, we must accept it. It’s normal that this saddens us. I would have liked him to always stay at PSG, but we have to remember the positive, the emotions offered, be behind him wherever he goes. He is one of the best players of his era, he will fight for the Ballon d’Or every year to come. We must respect it and continue to follow it”confided the Argentinian in The Team. One thing is certain, the former Monegasque does not make Parisian supporters indifferent, in one direction or the other.

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