Jasmin Wagner: There is a new man in your life

Jasmin Wagner has a new friend: “Love has come back into my life”

Singer Jasmin Wagner is freshly in love

© Georg Wendt / Picture Alliance

One year after separating from her husband, singer Jasmin Wagner is taken again. The new man in her life will be met by her family at Christmas.

Singer Jasmin Wagner is in love again. After separating from her husband, the Swiss entrepreneur Frank Sippel, last year, the native of Hamburg is newly assigned. She confirmed that “Bunte” magazine. “This year love came back into my life,” said the 41-year-old in an interview. “At Christmas my family will meet my new friend for the first time.”

She then revealed a few details about the man who captured her heart: “He’s a Dane, in his mid-30s and an entrepreneur in the fashion industry.” According to Wagner, the two got to know each other on a blind date: “We were matched by a mutual friend of ours. It was actually a very special encounter from the start,” she enthuses. In April 2021, in an interview with spot on news, she had already spoken about her apparently effective dating strategy: “My friends provide me with dates. Quasi dating with a recommendation,” she said at the time.

Jasmin Wagner is divorcing Frank Sippel

The divorce from Frank Sippel is still ongoing, but as soon as this is over, Jasmin Wagner wants to celebrate a party. But no trace of the War of the Roses, because “ideally” this party will be celebrated “with my ex-husband and my new partner,” she said.

Almost exactly a year ago, the artist made the big change in her private life public in a podcast interview with “Grazia Women”: “I’m getting a divorce,” she said in the episode published on December 24, 2020. Since separating from her husband, she has been spending a lot more time with her “core friends”, which feels like “coming home,” she said at the time. Rumors of a separation from Wagner and Sippel had already surfaced in the summer of 2020. They said yes in February 2015.

Jasmin Wagner became known as Blümchen in the 1990s with songs like “Herz an Herz” or “Kleiner Satellit”. The artist was also seen as a presenter and actress. In 2019 she celebrated a comeback as Blümchen.


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