Janni and Peer Kusmagk’s “perfect” day ends in the emergency room

What looked like a perfect day on the outside was anything but for Peer and Janni Kusmagk’s family: the day ended in the emergency room.

“Everything looks so harmonious with you”: Fans on Instagram are happy about the family reunion with the Kusmagk family. At the weekend, Janni Kusmagk (33) and her children were able to hug her husband Peer Kusmagk (48) again – he was away for a few days. But just two days later, Janni admits on her Instagram page that appearances can sometimes be deceiving: her “perfect day” ended in a chaos of lost toys, navigation problems and health worries.

Peer Kusmagk’s son Merlin had to go to the emergency room

Missing Lego bricks, driving on the wrong street, a dead end full of bricks that the family almost couldn’t find their way out of: In addition to many beautiful moments, the family had to deal with many problems on the day of their reunion. But one thing in particular really bothered the Kusmagks: After the mother of three picked up her husband from the airport and the two wanted to bathe under the waterfalls with their children, their youngest son Merlin worried them a lot: “What you didn’t see was “The youngest’s sudden stomach pain, which got so bad that we rushed to the nearest hospital,” Janni wrote in her post on Instagram. To make matters worse, the Mallorca emigrants discovered that there was no working ultrasound machine in the hospital, so they had to drive another 30 minutes to the nearest hospital – and that with great concern, because the doctors warned the Kusmagks: “You have to check whether “It’s a churning in the stomach. Get going, an ambulance will take longer!” This was shocking news, especially for mom Janni, as she continues in her post: “I was sweating so much and couldn’t breathe the whole way because I was worried.” But then there was reason to breathe a sigh of relief: When he arrived at the next hospital, son Merlin felt fit again and the pain had disappeared. The emergency room also reassured the parents and gave the all-clear.

But the trip wasn’t over yet: “As soon as we got back in the car, Yoko remembered that her new unicorn cuddly toy had stayed at the first hospital,” Janni continued, and they drove back again.

The Kusmagk family is clear: “What really counts is health”

After a long and tiring day, the Kusmagk family returned to their home after their visit to the hospital – “completely exhausted” – and were happy to be healthy and to be able to spend time together. One thing in particular became clear to the family that day when they thought about their dream of swimming in a waterfall: “We laughed about it, about the reality, and once again realized how unimportant expectations are and what really counts: them Health,” she writes at the end of her post.

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