Jan Weiler reads in the Munich Volkstheater. – Munich

Jan Weiler presents his new book: On Monday, April 17th, the writer will read from the work “Elternzeit”, which was published in March, in the Volkstheater. The volume of columns tells episodic stories of the everyday challenges that a divorced father has to face when dealing with his offspring who have recently come of age. “When driving services and regular feedings are no longer necessary, a new age will dawn for the elderly,” says the blurb. Weiler’s latest work is thus in the tradition of the “Pubertier” series; it currently ranks 13th on the Spiegel bestseller list.

Weiler was born in Dusseldorf in 1967. Initially working as a copywriter and journalist, his debut novel “Maria, he doesn’t like it!” was published in 2003. “Das Pubertier” followed in 2014, the start of the now five-book series. The writer lives in Munich.

Reading “Elternzeit” by Jan Weiler, Monday, April 17, 8 p.m., Volkstheater, Tumblingerstraße 29, telephone 089/5234655, muenchner-volkstheater.de

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