Jamie Dornan on possible Bond role: fan prejudice “is a disease”

Jamie Dornan on possible Bond role
Fan prejudice “is a disease”

Will Jamie Dornan be the next 007?

© Brent Perniac/AdMedia/ImageCollect.com

Among other stars, Jamie Dornan is also on the list of potential Bond successors. An honor, but with risks.

Since Daniel Craig (54) gave up his license to kill, the search for a new James Bond has been in full swing. One name that figures prominently on the long list of potential successors is Jamie Dornan (39). In an interview with “Esquire”, Dornan commented on this honor. But he also points out how toxic the reaction to the announcement that Craig will be the new Bond was once.

“It’s fun and a cool thing to be in the award for something like this,” says Dornan. “If you look at the list, there are people on it who all have something going on that’s going well.” Dornan recently starred in the Oscar-winning drama “Belfast” by Kenneth Branagh (61). Other long-running hits on the list include Henry Cavill (38, “The Witcher”), Tom Hardy (44, “Venom”) and Tom Hiddleston (41, “Loki”).

So much negative energy

At the same time, Dornan criticizes the way such important casting decisions are sometimes received by the press and fans: “Prejudice is a damn disease.” Not only in his profession as an actor, but “in our entire culture”. When Craig was introduced as the new Bond, the reactions were “100 percent negative”. “It was disgusting what was written. To see this poisoned anger people had over casting decisions was frankly terrifying. And guess what: Daniel Craig was bloody brilliant and changed the whole energy of Bond.”

Dornan also mentions his good friend Robert Pattinson (35) in this context, and not entirely surprisingly. Because like the “Fifty Shades” actor, Pattinson was not taken seriously for a long time due to an early role – his part in the “Twilight” saga. “Look at the reactions when Rob was cast in Batman. It was 90 percent negative. […] And all the naysayers are loving what Rob did with Batman now.”


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