It’s the return of the sand dust from the Sahara and it will last until Tuesday

A new layer of sand from the Sahara covered the remains of snow from the Pyrenees. – Pic du Midi

And five. This year, the color of the snow that has settled on the peaks of the Pyrenees has oscillated between white and yellow. Since this Sunday, once again, particles of sand from the Sahara have reached the massif.

This new episode should last until Tuesday according to the weather indicators. A particularly recurrent phenomenon this year, and which is often accompanied by an episode of atmospheric pollution.

In February, the Association for the control of radioactivity in the West (Acro) had published measurements of radioactivity in these famous clouds from Algeria, or about 80,000 Becquerels of cesium 137 per square kilometer.

According to initial calculations made by the Center for Space Studies of the Biosphere in Toulouse using samples taken by walkers, several thousand tons of dust fell during the first episode.

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