“It’s none of your business”: Unvaccinated FC Bayern player Joshua Kimmich celebrated by fans

The fact that Joshua Kimmich is not vaccinated sparked discussions across Germany – but many fans are behind the 26-year-old national player and his decision (photo montage)

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Joshua Kimmich, FC Bayern star and DFB national player, is not vaccinated. In an interview with the TV broadcaster “Sky”, he explained the background. Opinions on the behavior of the 26-year-old midfielder are divided online.

Munich – famous footballstars like Joshua Kimmich (26) are practically uninterrupted in the focus of the public and should – according to popular opinion – therefore always be aware of their role model function. The fact that the defensive midfielder of FC Bayern recently stated in a Sky interview that he had not yet been vaccinated against COVID-19 due to “personal concerns” sparked discussions across the country.

Vaccination itself is a sensitive, personal issue on which opinions within society differ widely. While some would like to hold Joshua Kimmich responsible, many fans defend his decision – and clearly stand behind the 26-year-old. Extratipp.com from IPPEN.MEDIA reports.

FC Bayern: Joshua Kimmich after vaccination interview in the Kritk – fans defend national players

Big fuss about FC Bayern star Joshua Kimmich: They received on Saturday (October 23) Munich TSG Hoffenheim and defeated the Sinsheimers 4-0. But football quickly became a minor matter after the Bild newspaper reported that Joshua Kimmich and four other teammates were not vaccinated against the corona virus.

“Yes, that’s right,” Kimmich confirmed the report in an interview with the sports broadcaster Sky Deutschland. “I just have personal concerns for myself about long-term studies. I am aware of my responsibility and get tested every two or three days. Everyone should make their own decision, “said the 64-time national player, explaining his decision.”Idiot brigade“:”11Freunde ”boss exposes the unvaccinated FC Bayern star Joshua Kimmich).

The statement triggered a wave of indignation nationwide – although Joshua Kimmich clearly emphasized that he was “not a corona denier or an opponent of vaccinations”. In six Bundesliga stadiums, including Stuttgart or Cologne, the 2G rule currently applies, which only grants access to the gaming venue to those who have been vaccinated or recovered. As a fan, the trained defender should not be there – but as a player he is, since his job is a professional obligation. Any rule does not apply here.

Opinions differ widely: after Joshua Kimmich had declared on Sky Germany that he was not vaccinated, there was a hail of criticism – but many fans also praise the soccer star for “the factual calm” and “his very honest statement”

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“It’s none of your business”: Fans celebrate FC Bayern star Joshua Kimmich because he doesn’t get vaccinated

Some fans feel that this is unfair, while others defend Kimmich’s “very honest statement” online. A Facebook-User demands that Kimmich should have answered the Sky reporter, who confronted him with the topic at the weekend: “My vaccination status is none of your business, I don’t ask you whether you have already had a colonoscopy.”

His “objective calm” during the interview is also recognized. Under a Instagram– The football star’s contribution explains a fan: “Don’t let others influence you. You know yourself what is right for you. “

FC Bayern: Joshua Kimmich receives support from Rummenigge and STIKO boss Mertens

After Joshua Kimmich was exposed to harsh criticism in the past few days, there are now some prominent advocates. As the Spiegel reports, the former Bayern boss Karl-Heinz Rummenigge (66) pointed out that the national player would “make the right decision at some point”. “It has to be up to him,” says the 66-year-old. One should “still leave the church in the village”.

Virologist Prof. Dr. Thomas Mertens (71), Chairman of the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO), criticized the debate about Kimmich as “limitless nonsense” in the Bild newspaper. He had “always viewed formal pressure on unvaccinated people (…) critically,” explained the 71-year-old and added: “We would never talk about it if he weren’t so exposed as a football professional.”

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