“It’s criminal!” “… A whistleblower victim of an attempt to sabotage his car

“I was told to beware. It’s still crazy! “Fabrice Hamon still can’t believe the misadventure that happened to him late Thursday afternoon. While going to the cinema with his family, this resident of Landunvez in Finistère felt that something was wrong with his car. He then pulled over and was stunned to discover that four of the five bolts on his left rear wheel had been unscrewed, reveals the Breton investigative media Splan!

“A bolt fell on the road, a second was going to do it. Who can be so unconscious to put the life of a family at risk to preserve their dirty habits, ”reacted, photo in support, Fabrice Hamon on Instagram.

Journalist Morgan Large also targeted

President of the Beauti-foul association, which fights against agricultural pollution, this whistleblower regularly publishes the results of the analyzes of the water he takes from the Foul, a stream that crosses his garden. “I am fighting for the authorities to recognize that there is chronic pollution and that it is of agricultural origin,” he told our colleagues from Splan! According to him, this attempted sabotage of which he was the victim is linked to his positions. “It’s criminal!” I can’t believe it, ”he continues, indicating that he was going to file a complaint this Friday noon. Environmental activist, he also fights against the extension of a mega piggery of 12,000 pigs in his town.

A month ago, Breton journalist Morgan Large also filed a complaint after discovering that the nuts on the left rear wheel of her car had been loosened. Known for its investigations into agribusiness and environmental damage, it had already been the victim of an attempted sabotage in 2021.

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