“It will take time” to replace new retirees, recognizes Deschamps

New year, new page which opens in the big book of Didier Deschamps – a pavement, let’s say it – in the France team. The new chapter is special in that it leaves behind important characters in its history. Hugo Lloris, of course, but also Raphaël Varane and Karim Benzema have left the ship, giving way to an uncertain future without being worrying, as demonstrated by the end of the World Cup. “You just have to look at the team that finished the last match against Argentina… There weren’t many selections (on the field)”, recalled the coach, Monday at the start of the afternoon. noon.

“It will take time” to consolidate the France team with the new generation, nevertheless recognizes DD. “We cannot replace people who have chained ten years. But that does not prevent those who had less from having already taken up space. »

Maignan number 1, discussions to come for the captaincy

Starting with the goals formerly kept by Lloris, whose successor has already been named. “The number one position will be (for) Mike Maignan. Then I have to have discussions. There will be a hierarchy which will be that of today. Will it be the same in June? This involves discussions with the three goalkeepers. But Mike will obviously have this number one responsibility on this rally. »

As for who will be the number one in the group, a status also occupied by Hugo Lloris, we will have to wait a little later in the week. “As for the captain, smiles DD, you will know more before the match against the Netherlands. But I have no obligation in the timing of the decision. »

DD “respects” the departure of Raphaël Varane

Deschamps will have to go through a phase of interviews with the protagonists and probably his staff in order to make the wisest decision, a task that Raphaël Varane would have made easier for him if he had chosen to stay in the France team. “Nobody is in his place, tempers the coach. I make sure to get into it. I knew him well, because he started with me. He is someone sufficiently thoughtful and composed not to make a decision overnight. It’s deep inside him. It’s not something that makes me happy. But it’s not only age, there’s the personal situation that can lead to this decision. Me on my side, I am obliged to accept it. I respect her. And move on.

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